Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Jack for Labor Day

My parents rented a cabin in Happy Jack for us all to join them up there over Labor Day weekend. I'll tell you what, if was SO much fun. The weather was perfect, and the food was fantastic (as always with my family, nobody goes hungry!). We played games, went to Long Lake, went on a run and almost passed out, ate our brains out, pranked eachother with bairballs, and I even spotted an elk! It was a super fun weekend.

Pile of crawdads! These kids love it!

Max pulling in one crawdad after another.

My little buddies.

Hangin out at the lake.

Kylie & her cute kiddos.

Ty teaching Colter how to throw rocks in the lake and scare all the fish away :) Nice.


Little buddies.

Well I hate to admit this but Aunt Allie and Uncle Max are these two kids' favorites! :)

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