Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Best Time of My Life!!!

He's HOME he's HOME he's HOME!! Friday June 19th was the best day ever because the love of my life finally returned from the Florianopolis Brazil mission. I can't even begin to describe how much fun it has been and how awesome it's been to have Max here. He has changed in great ways, but is still the same fun awesome max that I sure do love!
The group hangin' at the airport. This day was great!
Marley needed some love after 2 years of no Max

HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! Like the cardboard cut-out? ha nice. 

My gang (the fam) and him the day he got home.

The next morning we got up early and drove out to the desert & hung out at his parent's land area here. It was great, so fun and nice out there!

Studdly boy
Max back to his tough guy-ness beatin' up on Hudson, little did he know that Hudson has grown quite a bit and totally pinned him to the floor after that haha :)

Riding' the rhino...won't tell you that we almost tipped it over. But we're safe so it's all good :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Never Thought It Would Come

For 2 years I have been waiting, waiting, waiting, and more waiting :) And now I am so excited to say that the waiting/mormon torcher is almost over!! The countdown is almost done! Elder Dewitt has two weeks left from today (friday). Two years ago I never thought this day would come and here it is, so much to look forward to and see what the future has in store!! Here are some pictures while he's been serving in Brazil. 

Trip To UTAH~

This past weekend I had SUCH a fun time in Utah visiting my AWESOME roommates from BYU-Hawaii. These two girls made my Hawaii experience the time of my life. I'm SO grateful for them and what they've taught me. And the amazing hawaii experiences, laughs, and fun times we had. I love Kels and Hailey!!! 

The Beautiful Oquirrh Mountain Temple, just dedicated this past week. 

This is Hailey girl from South Jordan, love her tons!!

This is Kel from West Jordan, love her tons too!! LOOK at those LIPS!! Ooh la la

Kels and I at her house....oh and jasmine 14 :)